John Dee Lectures

2018 AGM

John Dee and Prospero: Dee as a model for literary characters

Lecturer: Malcolm Hebron, author of Prospero: a Renaissance Magus.

2017 AGM

John Dee and the Polish Connection

Lecturer: Nicholas Dakin, author of John Dee of Mortlake

2016 AGM

The ordeal of Thomas Digges, John Dee’s most famous student

Lecturer: Professor Glyn Parry, University of Roehampton

2015 AGM

Curating John Dee: researching and preparing the John Dee exhibition at the Royal College of Physicians

Lecturer: Katie Birkwood – Rare Books and Special Collections Librarian, Royal College of Physicians

2014 AGM

The Dawn of Science: John Dee and the Copernican Revolution

Lecturer: Lynn Picknett, author

2013 AGM

John Dee’s influence on the discovery of the Northwest Passage

Lecturer: Dr Margaret Small, Lecturer in Europe and the wider world, University of Birmingham

2012 AGM

In the labyrinth: John Dee in Manchester

Lecturer: Dr Michael Powell, Chetham’s Librarian, Manchester

June 2011

The Arch-conjuror of England: John Dee

Lecturer: Professor Glyn Parry, Lecturer, University of Wellington, New Zealand

2011 AGM

The Lord of the Smoking Mirror: magical objects associated with John Dee

Lecturer: Dr Silke Ackermann, British Museum

2010 AGM

Dee and the alchemists

Lecturer: Jennifer Rampling, Wellcome Research Fellow, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge


The Queen’s conjuror: the life and magic of Dr Dee, adviser to Queen Elizabeth

Lecturer: Benjamin Woolley, author